Services on 4 March 2018

We have taken the decision to cancel our services at Whittonstall, Blachland and Muggleswick on Sunday 4 March because of the snow and dangerous road conditions.

There WILL be services at Slaley at 10.30am and 6pm, both led by Helen Savage.

Stay safe and warm!

Diana and John

We are sad to inform you that Diana has come to the conclusion that in the best interests of John’s health, she should resign from her position as Assistant Priest, House for Duty, in the Moorland Group of Parishes. She spoke with Bishop Christine yesterday, who accepted her resignation.

As you know, John’s health has become considerably more fragile over the last year. In particular, he has found it increasingly difficult not to be able to walk on the flat, which he must to do to keep his heart healthy. Blanchland has a lot of hills!
We have not yet agreed the precise date when they will leave, but it is likely to be around the end of January. The couple who have been renting their bungalow have asked to terminate their tenancy at the end of this month, leaving it vacant.
There will be a proper opportunity in due course to say goodbye to Diana and John and to thank Diana for her ministry among us. In the meantime we look forward to journeying through  Advent and celebrating Christmas together.

Please remember them both in your prayers.

Easter Vigil and Service of Light – a very special way to celebrate Easter

Please come and join us at Hunstanworth at 7.30pm this Easter Eve (Saturday). It’s a service for all the family. We stand around a bonfire in the churchyard to hear the story of God’s care for his people in the Old Testament and then take a light into the darkened church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus the light of the world.

Afterwards we’ll party with hot dogs, toasted marshmallows and fizz.

Christmas Services 2016

Christmas Services in the Moorland Group: a rich feast!

Come and join us at any of of services over Christmas this year.

We begin our Carol-fest at Waskerely, by candlight on December 11 at 3pm, followed by refreshments. There’ll be more candlelight at Muggleswick the following week, December 18 at 3pm and at Hunstanworth at 4.30pm, both followed by refreshments (fizz at Hunstanworth).                          Edmundbyers looks forward to its Carol Service at 6pm.                                  Slaley Family Carols will be, as usual, at 5pm on Friday 23 December            Christmas Eve sees popular Carols Services all at 6pm at Blanchland, Healey and Whittonstall.                                                                       Christmas Communion is at Slaley at 9pm on Christmas Eve and then at 23.30 in Edmundbyers.  Finally on    Christmas morning there’s Holy Communion at Healey at 9am and Wittonstall 10.30.                                 Full details of all services in December are on the ‘Services this month’ page.

We look forward to seeing you!

What Helen meant to write in Slaley News!

As readers of Slaley news may have noticed, I sent the wrong file to the editors. This is what I intended to say …

I was delighted that so many people turned out last month to discuss the future of the village shop in Slaley. Margaret and Roy have gone way beyond the extra mile in keeping the shop open, but they richly deserve retirement.

What next? I’m delighted that group has emerged to help us think through the issues and explore new possibilities, but I’m also aware that the village shop is not just about the trade, important as that is. Margaret has made Slaley shop a village hub – a place where people connect with one another and learn the news that doesn’t make it to The Courant and the other papers stocked in the shop.

We need connections like these. The pub fosters them, of course, as do the various events that happen in the Commemoration Hall. Connections are vital. They keep communities alive. In any plans for the future, we’ll do well to remember this.

I would also hope that we in the churches can do our bit. It’s often said that the church is one of those things, along with a school, shop, pub and hall is a mark of a sustainable village, but just speaking for my own bit of it, I’m acutely aware that the Church of England often struggles to know how to use our assets to the greater benefit of our communities. I know too that if we fail to be on the side of our communities then we may die.


I say this because I’m convinced that God is normally to be found in the ordinary things of life, in the everyday human interactions that are the very stuff of life. That for me is why a church is such an important part of village life, but only as long as the church remembers this and shows its love for its community by being its servant.

The Ecumenical Study Group starts again

We’ll begin our regular Ecumenical Study Group (that means everyone is welcome) on Friday 23 September at 10.30am in the Vicarage. We’ll be looking at a series of very though-provoking issues raised by Samuel Wells in his wonderful new book, ‘How then shall we live? Christian Engagement with Contemporary Issues.’

The first topic is Islam and Islamist Extremism.